Saturday, June 8, 2019

Examples Of Nonverbal Communication Essay Example for Free

Examples Of Nonverbal Communication EssayThere are some(prenominal) types of nonverbal communication that whitethorn be evaluated on the basis of certain examples, that will help you understand the nuances of this complicated form of communication.Facial ExpressionsWhen reading nervus facialis expressions, some of these examples may help While maintaining eye contact is a sign of confidence and positivity, avoiding eye contact is one of the most clear discon pie-eyeding nonverbal communication examples. This implies that the person may be lying, or fears confrontation. The smile is another give-away when it comes to facial expressions. While a demulcent smile is a soft expression that is encouraging, a rigid smile or a smirk may be a sign of contempt. Raised eyebrows are not lone(prenominal) a sign of surprise, they can also suggest mockery or sarcasm. It may be a natural physical trait of some people, and they may do it without realizing. However, it is important to know t he kind of effect it is having on others. Frowning is another facial expression that we tend to assume when under stress. This gives out the inwardness that we are unapproachable and cold.Posture and other MovementsPostures are included in nonverbal communication and may be explained with a few of these examples Standing bring up shows confidence, but if you are slouching it is a sign of low self-esteem and a stance that you have given up. Keeping shoulders rigid again give a sign that you may be unapproachable, and may affect the kind of people you attract towards you. Constant fiddling with everything in sight is a sign of anxiety, defeat, tedium and lack of interest. Standing with your hands crossed behind you, combined with your facial expressions may be a clear sign of anger or frustration that you are seek to hold back.GesturesGestures animate the conversations we have with others. We point, we wave and use all sorts of body language gestures while we are talking. For ins tance, you may constantly be rubbing your neck, or your the back of your ear. This is a sign of discomfort and lack of confidence. If you are angry, you may be clenching your fists to control your anger, or in preparation for a physicalattack Rubbing hands together indicates excitement and indicates readiness to engage in an activity.Shrugging may show a lack of interest.Touch nevertheless touch plays an important role in nonverbal communication. For instance When your boss is praising you, and pats you on the back, it is a sign of genuine liking for you and your work. A firm handshake is the sign of confidence.We all know the reassuring effect of a warm bear hug.Someone who holds your arms while talking is either trying to make a statement, or to portray that he/she is in control.SpaceWe all have a physical space around us. Sometimes we fix people invading that personal space. It may be to portray any of the followingIntimacyAffectionDominanceAggression

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